The Visiting Nursing Association is the community agency that has been
helping people in their homes since 1932. The VNA is Medicare certified and accredited by the Joint Commission. Any one receiving services from the VNA, having any quality of care or safety concerns,
that can not be resolved through the VNA should notify the Joint Commission by
selecting the link above or by phone 1-800-994-6610 or
email at The VNA meets the nation's highest home care standards. The VNA provides services to residents of Black Hawk and Bremer Counties,
as well as to residents in adjacent counties if needed.
Services Provided:
Programs and Services provided by VNA (Video)
Skilled Nursing Care Assist following a heart attack, stroke, injury, or any other illness Monitor blood sugar, blood pressure, heart and lung conditions Change dressings, catheters, and give special treatments Give instructions on care, medication, and a proper diet Coordinate multiple services in the home
Home Care Aides Homemakers Respite
Physical Therapy
Telehealth - provides daily monitering of vital signs, pulse oximetry and weight
Speech/Language Pathology
Occupational Therapy
Nutrition and Infusion Therapies
Immunizations Adult Flu, Pneumonia,
Meningococcal Infant and childhood (see Immunization section)