Diphteria is easily spread through coughing or sneezing. It can interfere with swallowing and cause suffocation, heart failure, or paralysis.
Tetanus is also known as Lockjaw. It enters the body through a cut or wound. It produces a poison which attacks the body's nervous system, and causes major muscle spasms.
Pertussis is known more commonly as whooping cough. It is highly contagious and causes severe spells of coughing which can interfere with eating, drinking, and breathing. Complications may include pneumonia, convulsions, or inflammation of the brain.
Poliomyelitis(Polio) is a disease that can permanently paralyze breathing and other muscles such as arms and legs.
Haemophilus influenza type b is a very serious disease in infants under one year of age and in preschool children. It causes pneumonia and infections in all parts of the body, including meningitis.
Hepatitis B is spread by direct contact with blood or body fluids from and infected person. It can cause serious liver disease.
Measles is highly contagious. It can cause ear infections and pneumonia. It also causes encephalitis and can lead to convulsions, deafness, or mental retardation.
Mumps results in swelling of the neck but can result in meningitis, encephalitis and permanent loss of hearing.
Rubella or German Measles is very serious in pregnant women whose babies may be born with severe defects.
Varicella or Chicken Pox is highly contagious. It is more severe in older children and adults and can lead to skin infection, brain swelling and pneumonia.